Welcome to the ERGOhealthy Resource Center
The ERGOhealthy Resource Center provides valuable health & ergonomics information and is available to all San Diego Community College District employees and their families.
Ergonomics is about the “fit” between
humans and their environments.
ERGOhealthy team members are nationally recognized as ergonomics and health & safety experts. They work with thousands of people across the nation to help them achieve significant improvements in health, safety, and comfort.
In addition to addressing traditional computer use, we know that many people use tablets, smart phones, and gaming devices everyday… and some have hobbies and other activities. The ERGOhealthy Resource Center provides visitors with basic workstation setup techniques, helpful hints for staying healthy, access to a ERGOhealthy Coach, a robust FAQ section, monthly Webinars, and timely ergonomic updates.
Welcome to many ergo healthy days ahead!